Today my mother-in-law and I picked out flowers for my window boxes. Theme: yellow, orange, and reds. I used the same soil from last year with a little bone meal and pearlite mixed in to retain some moisture. I'm sure hoping that everything fills in nicely with one another, it should be a beautiful display.
Thank you!
Marigolds Aurora Yellow Fire and Durango Red Gazania Daybreak Bright Orange Salvia Farinacea Victoria White Zinnia Star White Sweet Potato Vine Blackie Juncus Effusus Big Twister Gaillardie Aristata Sunburst Scarlet Halo
Welcome to my blog. This is the spot where I store creative ideas, recipes, books, gardening schemes, and other sundry things that pass through my home. I hope that you like what you find and use some of my ideas to make your own cute little house!
Sweetie; The flowers will fill in beautifully, nice choices! Keep up the gardening, it is good a great hobby. Love you sweetie, Auntie Mikie