Wednesday, May 6, 2009


My interest in hostas has been growing a lot lately... almost as much as my newly planted hostas in the back yard. The foliage of these shade loving plants are unique when planted with many varieties and their flowers, which are often a second thought, are beautiful. They tolerate nearly anything and can be roughly divided year after year and still come back flourishing.

I joined
GardenWeb last year when I first started seriously gardening and my absolute favorite forum is definitely the hosta forum. The pictures below are some of my favorites, the pics themselves came from all over the web from terrific gardeners.

My name is Erica, and I am a hostaholic....


'Great Expectations'


All the more reason to love 'Guacamole'... this is a pic of it's flowers!



My favorite: 'Blue Mouse Ears'

'Cat and Mouse' (cultivar of 'Blue Mouse Ears')

You know, my birthday is coming up soon.... just sayin'. =)

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1 comment:

  1. I am a hosta lover, too. We have some of the same ones you do.


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