Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Driving Range

We've been living in The Woodlands for almost a year and let me tell you, there are golf courses everywhere!  On a preliminary search on Google, I came up with at least 10 different courses in The Woodlands alone.  WOW.  About a month ago, Estevan and I decided that we needed to start.  We did some research and found some excellent deals on Craigslist, one of which panned out for both of us.  We went to a house looking to just purchase men's clubs and walked away with both the husband's and the wife's set of clubs.  Boo-ya on taking full advantage of rich people's need to upgrade!  Then, a few weeks ago I went to Ladies Night at a local golf store and scored a bag of free goodies including balls and a $10 gift certificate... oh and FANTASTIC DEALS on clearanced out clothing.  And it all comes together to make this......

Oh yeah.  I'm talking at least $300 in savings in this photo!

What really made the day great was running into these guys at Chic-fil-a beforehand.

We had a great time at the driving range.  Maybe we weren't all that good but it's only going to get better.  
Let's face it, we can't get that much worse!
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1 comment:

  1. don't give is a great sport. with time, you will both be getting holes in ones, love auntie mikie


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