Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kindergarten, what?!

I am still in shock. 

S  H  O  C  K

Last week I learned that I was being transferred from one school to another and from one grade to another.  And not just a little transfer in grades, I'm talking from one end of the spectrum to the other.  I'm now a KINDERGARTEN teacher!  My old school hired too many first grade teachers but I was the last one hired so I was transferred to a school that needed a kindergarten teacher and a first grade teacher from my old school took over my old fourth grade class.  Make sense?  I know, it doesn't make a whole ton of sense to me either. 

Even though my fourth grade students miss me very much, I keep receiving emails from them, I know that they are very happy with their new teacher and I'm UNBELIEVABLY more happy as a kindergarten teacher!  I had no idea how much I was missing the little ones and all the adorable things that I can do with them.  Crafts, paints, picture books, oh my!

I am literally on pins and needles waiting for Christmas crafts to come around, not to mention all the cute falls crafts I can make right now.  I did a little browsing around one of my favorite blogs, One Pretty Thing, and came across these SUPER CUTE and easy crafts.  Click on the pics to follow the links.

Plaster spoon bugs.

Pipe cleaner finger puppets.

Hand print spider!

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