Thursday, September 30, 2010

Check out my room!

My last post was started last week and I lost track of time.... imagine that.  Sorry.  I'm trying as hard as I can to keep on top of this little blog and I thoroughly enjoy having this little outlet to share about my move from fourth grade to kindergarten.  Thanks for staying with me through all this mess!

Now on to some pics of my new room.  It's just 2 weeks old and already looking SO cute... I'm obnoxiously proud of it.
 Everyone keeps coming in my room to check out the lanterns.  Found them in the $1 bins at Michael's.  

 Significantly smaller Word Wall than my word wall in fourth grade.  Yatsee!

 Mailboxes, play area, and reading rug.

 Free stuff from the other kindergarten teachers.  I LOVE my team!

 I'm the first at my school to bring this idea to the table.  These are E-Instruction clickers which are assigned to specific students for testing purposes.  I cut a shoe organizer in half (so the little ones could reach on their own) and numbered each pocket.  Pretty nifty, right?

 My little bitty desk area in the far corner.  I'm never at it... seriously, I've never even sat there.

 Reading rug.  I traded lots of stuff with the teacher who took over my last room.  This rug, rocking chair, and little reading pillows were hers.  Aren't they the sweetest things?

 My carnivorous plant.

 Look what it caught!!!!  


  1. Love your classroom. I am actually going back to school Oct 13 to finish up my classes so I can get on the road to teaching as well. And I will be emailing you some questions later. I know we emailed about this a couple of months ago.. I've been so busy I haven't had time to sit down and get my thoughts together... But your classroom is perfect and fun...and I love the lanterns!

  2. Wow...this post just made me nostalgic about the simplicity and peace of elementary school. I miss drawing and crafting in our tidy and colorful elementary school classrooms. And crayons. And fresh school supplies. Yep, the older I get the more I miss it :)

    You classroom is very organized and beautiful. My favorite element is the carnivorous plant! I hope "he" feeds well!

  3. Awwww, too cute! You should be proud! How fun to be a kindergarten teacher--I bet you're great!


  4. You seem like such an AWESOME k-teacher!!! I had to share the SAME feelings on your comment on Little MIss Mommas blog about Pride & Prejudice...Yes I know it was forever and a day but I stumbled onto that post today!

    So I decided to check out your blog! I LOVE IT! I like all the goodies your contribute to your daughter would be lucky to get a Kindergarten teacher like you when she starts....:) I hope the parents appreciate you!!! Best of luck and success!

  5. I know this is old and I just happened to find it. Thanks for sharing. I don't have as much room as I did last year. But seeing how you used lots of space is giving me ideas on how to use less. Thanks!


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