Monday, April 12, 2010

For Sale no longer!

Oh boy oh boy!  We are moving again.  I can't believe it myself!  When we moved down here, we moved into a three bedroom house and completely underestimated the amount of purging that we did while moving from Michigan.  So now we are moving into a two bedroom, two bath apartment just down the road a bit.  Plus, we'll have a pool!

But now here's the kicker... while living in this monstrosity of a house, we filled it up with some furniture that won't exactly fit into an apartment.  So now I'm trying to sell some of it.  I've had some luck on Craigslist but one piece hasn't gotten a lot of interest and I just don't understand because it's so cute!  Take a peek and leave me a comment if you live in the area (The Woodlands, TX 77380) and would like to have this beautiful shabby-chic table set for only $225.  The table measures 5'6"x3'6" and could very easily seat 6.  It fits perfectly!  Snug as a bug in a rug.  =P  Pics to come.

Two of these adorable chairs.  I seriously love these chairs.

And two of these with the cushions.


  1. That is seriously adorable. Too bad I live all the way in PA. I HATE our hand-me-down table.

    When is the big move?

  2. sweetie;
    are you sure you need to get rid of this table and chairs? it is way too cute. i would butt it up against a wall to save space. be safe with the move, and good luck. love, auntie M


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