Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fab Kitchen

I've never looked at a kitchen photo and said "I want this, exactly this" before..... until now.  I'll be honest with you, this post is more for my benefit (bad memory) than for yours.  But, please, feel free to drool over the marble counter tops, awesome shelving design, glamorous refrigerator, and fabulous antique rolling pin collection.  Found via Basically Anything That is Awesome.


  1. Looks just like my kitchen....LOL Auntie Mikie

  2. That is a beautiful kitchen, but anytime I had my neices over, I would have to move all the dishes.

    These people obviously do not have children! haha


  3. Good point! No kids and no dogs with outrageously long tails either (like our Java). I would need to swap the white dishes for the cookbooks and call it a done deal. I would also have way fewer chachkis, don't like to dust.



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