Saturday, February 20, 2010

Chic Leather Finds

I just found a fellow blogger from my own heart.  The Sale Rack is "a blog about how to save money without compromising your taste or lifestyle."  How fantastic is that?!  Even better is that she offers some giveaways that are chic and usable merchandise.  Her most recent giveaway was from a company called Graphic Image.  I just did some browsing and I love their leather bound items.  Plus, they offer personalization on almost all their products.  Classically chic, perfect!  Click on the images to shop.


  1. hi erica, thanks so much for featuring me on your awesome blog! And thanks for submitting a very creative money-saving tip! I received the leather journal a couple of weeks ago and it is beautiful. graphic image has very high quality products at such a great price with the sale!

    thanks again for stopping...i am definitely adding you to my daily reading list as well.

    i'm curious how you found my blog?

  2. Also, your readers can get free shipping if they type in "TheSaleRack" at checkout the rest of this month!

  3. TSR, I honestly can't even remember how I found your blog. It was one of those boring nights where I was just clicking through the blogs. You know how it goes... you go to one of you favorite blogs and then click through to one of her favorite blogs and then before you know it, you're on some random blog that you end up LOVING! =P


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