I'm scared. Really scared.
This cheesecake is ugly as sin and I don't know if I even want to try it. I'm posting it because this is my very first attempt and I realize that not everything comes out perfectly the first time. Plus, I learned a lot from this recipe. I learned that a cheesecake is done when it completely puffs up and will not necessarily be done at the allotted time... this one took an hour longer! I also learned that poking it every 10 minutes with a toothpick to see if it's done yet (geez!) is not such a good idea. I completely mutilated this thing! Hopefully I will have better luck next time. Try, try again.
Update I made this particular cheesecake for a dinner party that I'm going to tonight and I've been completely spastic, thinking and stressing about this flippin' dessert! I actually went out and bought some raspberries for a glaze/topping after researching some recipes. So I came home, cooked up some topping, poured it onto the cheesecake. Then I did more research, found out that you shouldn't pour the topping on while it's still hot (which I did!) and that you shouldn't pour it on until you are ready to serve it or it will get soggy(I poured it on at least 3 hours before serving). I completely FREAKED out and decided to just scrap the whole idea and make brownies. But before scrapping it, I took one little slice out to try. Wouldn't ya know, it tastes great and I devoured the whole slice! That's what ya get for freakin' out. Geez Louise.
this cheesecake looks alot like the cheesecake we eat here in Germany. Not a huge fan of cake but it is a good one. My Mum-In-Law was great at making it when she was alive.