Sunday, October 25, 2009

Neighborhood Shenanigans

Pumpkins, lights strung between the trees, BBQ, and exotic animals.... who knew what a fun combination this could be?! Last night we went to TGR Exotics which is an amazing place just a few minutes away from our house in a surprisingly neighborhoody setting. Good times!

Such a cozy hometown feel and really good food!

Yes, that is correct, we rode a camel. All was going really well until.....

(You're going to want to click on the pic below to zoom in on our faces!)

And down we go!!

There is no zoom going on in this picture. That is a Bengal tiger with only a chain link fence between us. And, yes, it is sucking its thumb. So cute!

It was a very good night with good friends.


  1. I want to live in Happy!!!!! Honey, looks like you had a great time....i liked the photo of the ride on the camel. Happy Halloween honey. Love, Auntie Mikie

  2. I haven't been to 'Happy', TX, but I have been to 'Niceville', FL - does that count? Looks like you are having a great time, Skipper.
    Love you,


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