Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Moving shenanigans

Yet another day in the life of a mover. Today I started to tackle the kitchen with the help of my mother in law and sister in law. Kitchen goodies and pampered chef galore in there! You never realize just how much stuff is packed away into far, out of reach cabinets until you need to pack away the tin which is just inches out of reach and you have no chair or step stool... good thing I'm good at balancing on a wobbly little trash can.

Another adventure for me today was canceling services, one of which happens to be Comcast (my arch nemesis). Here's how it goes:

  • I call the toll free number from my cell phone, select the numbers for "canceling service".
  • Put on hold... "Please wait while the next available blah blah blah."
  • Hold
  • Hold
  • Hold
  • I hold for 50 minutes, the phone is burning up my ear, I'm pacing, packing things here and there.
  • I then decide to call the toll free number using a different phone and select the numbers for "UPGRADING SERVICE".
  • I get to talk to a person in less than 5 seconds!
I don't think I could accurately describe to you the conversation that I had with the customer service representative. Lots of me yelling hysterically, venting 50 minutes of built up frustration, and her ending our conversation with "You're all set", click.

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