Friday, March 20, 2009

Holy moley it's Spring!

I just now realized that it officially became Spring as I was writing my first post today! Maybe I've been a little post-happy today but I can't miss this opportunity to share my exuberance for this time of year. I am so looking forward to the first blooms and watching little plantings grow and bloom throughout the year.

Ah.... memories....

Such cute little flowers, they grow so fast. Can you tell I don't have any children?


  1. The flowers are beautiful. Mine are still buried in 6 feet of snow.... Love, Auntie Mikie

  2. Ouch! We don't have any snow anymore, but you never know what next week holds in store for us... the beauty of living in MI. These pictures are from last year, I think in May... I was just reminiscing and looking forward to seeing this again soon.

  3. Hi Erica,
    Your Dad just sent me a link to your blog! It's cool! Abby


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